Thursday, April 18, 2019

8 Major Companies Using Drone Technology

As we know the world of technology is changing all around us and we are coming up with new ways to do jobs that we have never thought of. One way we are doing our jobs differently is through the use of drones. There are many companies that have been using drones to get their jobs and processes done more efficiently.  I will touch one a few companies that are using drones to there advantage.

There are some of the industries leading companies that are using drones. One major company that is using drones is Shell Oil Company. It seems a little weird that a oil company could put drones to use but they do. Shell uses the help of drones to inspect their refineries and make sure that everything is meeting the standards that they need to meet. Many times inspections can be dangerous because of the area that one might have to travel to or the fumes and toxins one might be exposed to. With the use of drones Shell does not have to expose their employees to these dangerous situations.

Another major player in the drone field is of course Amazon. Amazon seems to be the leading company when it comes to new technology integration. Amazon is looking at the use of drones for Prime Air delivery, this is a service in which the time between placing the order and receiving the order is only about half an hour. This would greatly increase Amazons customer satisfaction and launch them past there competitors.

Lastly, the DHL Corporation is another key player in using the technology of drones to make their processes and delivery better. The DHL Corporation delivers blood and pharmaceutical supplies and drugs to remote locations that are hard to get to. With the use of drones DHL can deliver these supplies quicker and easier. This will help them in savings many lives that could be lost due to the remote location of where they are being taken care of. This is huge in the health industry and great for everyone involved.


1.     Do you think that the use of drones is a good idea? Why or Why not?
2.     What are some other ways that you could see drones being helpful in making companies better and more competitive?
3.      What do you think is the next big thing that drones will be used for?


  1. Hi Lucas
    I really like the idea of big corporations using drones to complete tasks. This will have multiple benefits first, there will be less traffic on the roads which means that there will be fewer fossil fuels being burned. Also, consumers will be able to get their products quicker. If the use of drones becomes widespread, I think there should be more legislation in place to make sure that everyone is flying safely. In the future I think that drones will be used for food delivery. If Uber eats developed a drone force, they would be able to handle way more request and they would not have to pay their drivers. Interesting topic the future of the drone industry is definitely something to watch.

  2. Hey Lucas,
    I am really interested in drone technology which is why I found you post very compelling. I think the use of drone technology will really help make companies more efficient and cost effective, however I think there are major security threats involved that are fairly obvious. I think drones can be used negatively, such as spying on people and taking their data. However, they can be extremely useful. I think the next big thing drones could be used for is in agriculture. Instead of having a physical person going around and planting crops and pollinating them, the drones could be used in order to mark the crops that need to be catered to and then decide exactly what needs to occur in order to produce the highest yield.

  3. Lukas,

    I think this topic is great. Drones have been around for a while now, but they are still a hugely emerging technology.

    To answer your first question, I believe the use of drones are a great idea. The cost savings in the long run, such as money saved on gas to deliver mail, is beneficial on a company- and environmental-scale. In contrast, your bit about DHL pharmaceuticals makes me skeptical. Amazon products come through the mail, and there are already issues with mail thieves. I cannot imagine the lengths others, specifically those addicted to pharmaceutical drugs such as opiates, will go through to get their hands on a drone.

    I thought a bit about your second question - in the words of Jeff Bezos, "No customer ever asked Amazon to create the Prime membership program, but it sure turns out they wanted it…" Amazon's customer-driven mentality makes them constantly innovate for the sake of their customer. If drones are the next answer, they - and other companies - will go for it.

    In terms of your last question, I predict the "next big thing" that drones will use are tools to help replace some of the many jobs helicopters have. For instance, helicopters use a heat-map camera to analyze how many people are in a crowd or if there is a person in a restricted area that shouldn't be. I predict this can be replaced with drones, as they can soar with incredible speed and fly up to helicopter-level heights, as long as their camera is equipped with heat-map technology.

  4. Lucas,

    I really liked your tech talk. In terms of the questions you posed as the end, it reminded me of a presentation I saw from a group of MBA students in the McGuire Center for Entrepreneurship a few weeks ago.

    The team developed a product that could pollinate acres of date palm trees using GPS coordinates and a drone. To pollinate a date palm tree, farmers usually have to climb to their tops and shake the pollen wand which can be extremely dangers, time consuming and a disturbance for areas around the farm. The drone would be able to pollinate the date palms efficiently and effectively while reducing costs and increasing safety for the workers. The team has been working mainly in Yuma, Arizona as well as Coachella, California and they are optimistic about a future even in areas such as Saudi Arabia. The team members are graduating from the program, but have a 5-year plan in place for the product to hopefully see it to fruition.

    So yes, I do believe that drone technology will become more apparent in the coming years. Before hearing the McGuire team, I personally had viewed drones as an invasion of privacy but now have a different outlook since learning about their variety of purposes! If more people have this understanding, I think they will be a valuable asset in many industries.

  5. Hi Lukas,

    This tech talk also really reminded me of a presentation given in my entrepreneurship class last week. The team's idea was to use drones to fertilize palms in the Coachella valley. I also think it's so interesting how drones are being used in the agriculture business.

    To answer your questions: I do think it is a good idea to use drones because they can get the job done much quicker than a human however it can get tricky when it comes to privacy especially with delivery companies who fly over people's homes.

    Another way that drones could be used, as I mentioned before is in the agriculture business. It would be much easier to use drones to fertilize crops/plants.

    I think that drones will one day be used to replace doctor's appoints. Instead of going in person he drones will allow for virtual visits.

  6. Hello Lukas,

    1. Do you think that the use of drones is a good idea? Why or Why not?
    I think that the use of drones is a good idea. By using drones, they can do some difficult or dangerous tasks that human cannot do. Also, using drones will save money and time. For example, Amazon can save money to deliver product by using drones rather than human.

    2. What are some other ways that you could see drones being helpful in making companies better and more competitive?
    In the agriculture industry and delivery industry, drones can be helpful and more competitive. They can fertilize crops and plants easier than people do. Also, drones can deliver products to customers faster than people do. Drones do not need to worry about heavy traffic and take mistakes.

    3. What do you think is the next big thing that drones will be used for?
    In the future, there is a possibility that drones can be used as the weapon in the war or terrorism. Drones can fly far to the specific destination and they are able to bring bomb stuff. In order to stop using drones as a weapon, the governments have to regulate about using drones.

  7. Hello Lukas,

    Very interesting article, to answer your questions:

    1). I think that the use of drones is a good idea for companies. They can help to smooth operations for a lower cost. However, i believe that if companies are going to use them they need to be regulated. If they are not, there may be issues with them such as crashes or going into peoples personal space.

    2). Drones can help to make companies more competitive and cost effective by preforming services and freeing up people to do more important activities. By doing things such as delivering parts, the more technical people can focus on more important company activities.

    3). I think that the next big thing that drones will be used for is for spying and surveillance. They are kind of used for this operation right now, however i believe that they will become a major force in this . They may even up end replacing security camera all together.

  8. Thanks for your post Lukas, the concept of drone technology is innovative and exciting and I love having the opportunity to learn more about it. I was aware of Amazon's use of the technology, but not of the others you mentioned.

    A new technology of this magnitude is of course going to face some moral and legal questions. It taps into an area never previously enforced by the law. However, I'm not opposed to the idea of companies using drones. It's a new tool that can and should be used to vastly improve the efficiency of lives and business, if used properly.

    Drones have the physical capability of reaching new heights unattainable by ourselves. They can be used not only by businesses, but even the potential for law enforcement and medical aid. The possibilities are really endless and I'm interested to see where it goes.
