Monday, April 15, 2019

German Automaker Mercedes Benz incorporates Blockchain into their Supply Chain!

In a press release published at the end of February Mercedes-Benz announced that the company had developed a platform based on blockchain technology to increase transparency and sustainability in complex supply chains.

Mercedes has decided to partner with Icertis a software company based in the United States in the expansion of the blockchain technology for supply chain usage. The two companies have passed the prototype phase which gives Mercedes the ability to store documents and contracts in intricate supply chains. Currently, the two firms are in the testing phase of the pilot project. This phase allows for the formation of a transparent and workable mapping of organized documents across the whole supply chain.

 With other German automobile manufacturers such as Porsche increasing funding towards blockchain initiatives. It is important to note that “Blockchain technology has the potential to fundamentally revolutionize our procurement processes [...] With our Blockchain-prototype, we are in the first step testing one of diverse possible applications with the aim of increasing transparency beyond our direct suppliers” said Wilko Stark a member of the Mercedes – Benz divisional board.

Questions to Consider: 
Do you think American Car Manufactures will enter the Blockchain space? 

What value if any do you think this brings to Mercedes and its suppliers? 

If you were the executive of the big three American Car Manufactures such as Ford, GM, Chrysler would you implement Blockchain? 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lelan,
    I found your post to be interesting because it touched on current events that involves technology. I think that the implementation of block chain will benefit Mercedes and its suppliers. This will allow them to view, share and update important documentation. It will also allow them to hold sub-suppliers accountable to their contractual obligations.
